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Saara (Smart Application for Revenue Administration) MP – Everything to know

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Saara MP Overview

The Government of Madhya Pradesh has introduced the SAARA mp, whose full name is (Smart Application for Revenue Administration). This app has been built specifically for the state’s farmers, and it allows the state to communicate with them. Basically, the farmers in India have always been facing communication process, and this was the reason for the emergence of these apps.

You will be able to view the girdawari report of the state’s farmers and enter information about your sown crops on the app, preventing arbitrary decisions by patwaris and providing transparent information about the crops planted by farmers.

It is possible to make it available till the administration fasal girdawari. This is an essential step to be completed every year. All information about the kissasian crops is made available to the government, allowing this application to receive crop insurance, bank credit, and other vital benefits.


Madhya Pradesh Sara App’s Goals – kissasian

The main goal of the state government in releasing the MP Sara App is to make all agricultural land data available through this app in a transparent manner until processing so that the crop fasal girdavari report of farmers in the state, which is issued every year, does not contain many errors, that is, the information related to the farmers’ crops, which Pa. conveys Yes, they understood just what they needed.

The government has launched the SAARA App to address this issue, which allows farmers to see a transparent report of their crop by entering the necessary information.


Advantages and features of the MP Sara app

The following is information on the benefits that farmers will gain through the SARA app.

  • Farmers will be able to register their girdawari reports on their crops in their mobiles using this app.
  • Applicant farmers will not have to return to Patwari for crop girdawari regularly.
  • Farmers in the state will be able to enter information on whatever crop they have planted on the app from the comfort of their own homes.
  • Transparency will be introduced into the workplace, preventing losses caused by patwaris entering and exiting the workplace and farmers failing to report crop information to the government.
  • Farmers’ agricultural land information will be made available to the government via the app, allowing them to receive proper compensation for crop losses caused by natural disasters or crises.
  • Only farmers who have downloaded the SARA app will get detailed information on their land at any time.


The procedure for downloading the SAARA App is as follows:

Applicants can read the method and download the Sara app on their phones by following the steps outlined.

  • To begin, the applicant must first go to his phone’s Google Play Store.
  • You must now look for it in the search box by typing MP Saara mp gov in
  • After that, the app will launch before you, prompting you to select the choice to install.


MP-SAARA-APP-Download – Saara mp gov in

  • The app will now begin to install on your phone, and after the procedure is complete, the app will be downloaded to your phone.
  • You may now utilize it by just launching the app.
  • Viewing farmer crop girdawari reports on the SAARA portal mp is a simple process.
  • The applicant farmers can use the SAARA App Portal to view their crop reports according to the instructions.
  • The applicant must first go to the SAARA Portal’s official website.
  • The home page will now appear on your computer screen.
  • You will find a crop girdawari option on the main page, which you must select by clicking on the visit option.
  • On the following page, you’ll find four options: Girdwari Status, Number of Villages Based on Girdwari Percentage, District Wise Report, Halkawai/Village Wise Progress Report, and Crop Wise Report and also cheek Kisan status.
  • You must select the report you want to see from the list of alternatives.
  • The crop’s year-by-year report will then appear in front of you.


Who will profit from entering information into this app online – Kisan status?

By registering crop information using this mp Kisan app, the government would access all information on the applicant’s crop, providing significant relief to farmers in terms of reimbursement for losses due to natural calamities, crop insurance, and bank loans among other things.


Online Registration for E-Girdawari

The patwari first visits the farmer whose mp girdawari is to be saar registration in this app-based process.

The name of the concerned farmer, their survey and mobile phone number, and information regarding the crop seeded in the field are all recorded.

OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to the farmer’s mobile number with whatever information the Patwari has entered.

The farmer will issue OTP to the Patwari if the information entered by the Patwari is correct.

The crop information will be registered with the online government when the OTP is entered into the app.

fasal girdawari login Lite or Village Wise Progress Report in Madhya Pradesh


The procedure for obtaining a Madhya Pradesh Fasal Girdavari Light Wise or Village Wise Progress Report is as follows:

  • mp girdawari report per district on several villages based on Girdawari.
  • Visit the official website of Fasal Girdavari.
  • Click on “Fasal Girdawari / Fasal Girdawari” from the homepage box that appears.
  • Select “Visit” from the drop-down menu.
  • You will now be led to a new page where you must choose the option “Madhya Pradesh Fasal Girdavari Light or Village Wise Progress Report / MP Fasal Girdavari Light Wise or Village
  • Select “View Report” from the drop-down menu.

The government of Madhya Pradesh has launched the saara portal to help the state’s farmers. Through this kisan app, the government will have access to the farmers’ Girdawari reports, which will be recorded through an internet medium and the crops grown by the farmers for saar registration.

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