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5 quick Fashion Tips to give your Style a boost

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By Smitakshi Guha

Style comes from within. But what’s the purpose of a within, if you are not able to reflect it perfectly on the outside. Here are 5 quick fashion tips that will always work, not just for those casual hangout sessions with friends, but also for some classic dinner nights and dates—

1. Get the perfect fit


Source: neeseesdresses

Sometimes, clothes only “look” good, but their essence don’t come out properly on your frame. Majority of the times this is due to the reason that you probably picked up the wrong fit! Fitting is a quintessential aspect in any clothing, and you need to be aware that if an outfit looks splendid on your friend, it may not look the same on you, because the fitting may just not go with your body.

2.  Dress. Don’t overdress


Source: pure film creative

“Too many cooks spoil the broth,” the statement holds quite true when it comes to fashion. When it comes to dressing, minimal, the best, unless of course you are heading for an Indian wedding function! When you are in doubt, it’s better to keep that doubt in check by teaming up your outfits with minimal accessories like a watch, a clutch, and a couple of ear rings maybe?

3. Be ready from one day prior



Okay, this one is not intended for those “end of the hour” party announcements. This is when you already know what your schedule is, and deciding on what to wear and how to wear it, the previous day. This not just saves time, but gives you enough room to explore and experiment with your looks and attires.

4. Basics always work!


Source: songofstyle

There are times you are just not prepared with that “extraordinary” outfit and that doesn’t mean you should be depressed. Some fashion basics never fail, and when it comes to clothing, denim jeans and white tops always help! You can even go for some contrast shades in pairing up your jeans with some light coloured tops. It’s comfy, stylish and always in style!

5. Be yourself



Its clichéd, but that doesn’t make it untrue! Everyone else is taken, and hence, you must be yourself. No doubt, it is always great to have a fashion role model, but what’s style if it is copied? So even if you are inspired by some model or celebrity, don’t forget to add that tinge of your personal style, to keep yourself distinguished and class apart from the crowd.

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