Bharat Stories
Light of Knowledge

Which is the best time to study—day or night?

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People say everything has a “right time,” and that “timing is everything.” Well, we don’t completely deem these phrases to be untrue, however, it is also worth considering that ever individual sees life through different angles and thus, is bound to have different preferences.

The same is the case with the “ideal time” to study—while some may prefer day overnight and some, vice versa, it is all about one’s comfort zone.

However, when it comes to health and psychology, here are the pros of both the times—


Natural light

According to many studies and scientific analysis, studying, reading, as well as writing, is best done under natural light as the natural light is healthier for our eyes, compared to artificial lights like study lamps or other kinds of lights.

High energy levels

Our bodies tend to be fully loaded with energy in the morning since our mind and body—both are fresh and re-energized after a fulfilling sleep at night. More energy means more effort you can put into your textbooks or any other work for that matter.

Better access to resources

People, as well as other resources like libraries, are easily available during day time compared to the night. You can call your friends for a group study or go to your teachers to get tutored on subjects or topics you are having difficulty dealing with.


Quite ambiance

Nights are tranquil, peaceful and give you the liberty to study at peace. This is not exactly the case during daytime as your entire surrounding is engulfed in some or the other activity, making concentrating less possible.

Distractions are lesser

Since all people are asleep, it is obvious you won’t be facing any distractions—familial, from friends or your own gadgets for that matter.

It boosts your creativity

It has been scientifically proven that those you are awake at night and prefer to study during the odd late night hours are bound to be more creative. Since your perspectives, thought process and approaches are magnified and become multidimensional—you tend to adapt to new ways of taking up a subject or topic, and hence become all the more creative.

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