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Everything To Know About Engineered Marbles

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Introduction to engineered marbles

Engineered marble or stones are usually referred to in the industry as quartz. They are primarily a composite substance that is mainly composed of marble dust and chips, along with resin binders and pigments. Moreover, the vital and most significant components are the by-products of the marble mining and processing industry. Also, colored glass, metals, or shells are some of the additional elements of engineered stones.

Since engineered stones minimize waste and use recycled waste products produced during mining operations and marble processing stages such as calibration, finishing, and trimming, it reduces industrial useless waste and energy consumption.

Therefore, due to these reasons, engineered marbles or stones are regarded as the most eco-friendly construction and architectural designing materials. In addition, engineered marble indirectly aids in resourcing and energy preservation by reducing mining functions and maintaining natural resources.

What are the Advantages of Engineered Marbles?

Engineered marble has many advantages when used in interior designing and architectural detailing. They include:

  • Numerous Options to Choose From
  • Exceptional Properties
  • Wide Range of Applications and Uses
  • Ease in Cleaning and Maintaining
  • Repairable
  • Cost-Effective

Due to these advantages, we can say that engineered marble is the best option for those who don’t want to settle down on the looks, qualities, and features of natural marble, also are much more durable than natural stones!

Engineered Marble Cleaning & Maintenance Tips

Select the best stone for your application

Select the best quality stone, i.e., quartz for your application is an ideal option, and ensure that the correct installation method is done. In contrast, the stones’ application – low-quality stones or inadequate installation adhesives and grouts may cost you over the years.

Choose a premium sealer for the stone’s application

Sealing acts in diversified ways to stop or slow down the assimilation or migration of contaminants by your stone. A good sealer enables vapor to escape via the pores of the stone, allowing it to “breathe.”

The sealer becomes part of the stone, permitting time to clean staining before leaving a permanent mark—some of the sealers required to be applied to dry stone and allowed to cure before use.

Avoid using cleaners that not made for the stone:

To maintain your engineered marble or stone’s ultimate glance, it is crucial to use only those cleaners that do not react with the stone. Acids, bleaches, or other everyday cleaning items can etch, stain, or fade the stones.

Thus, it is recommendable to use specialized cleaners that have been created for most conditions from daily Cleansing to mold, grease, or any other lubricant removal; these cleansers will assist in maintaining the perfect glaze of your investment.

It will also be great if you use microfiber cloths for cleaning the engineered marble inside your homes.

Frequent Cleansing in heavy traffic areas:

Regular Cleansing of heavy traffic areas is suggested to remove dust and dirt. These spaces may also require more constant re-treatment with the selected sealer together with ordinary cleansers.


Polished and Finishes Engineered stone surfaces require more maintenance:

Polished engineered stone surfaces, specifically floor tiles, require much more maintenance and regular cleaning to ensure that they last long and always stay polished, giving a stunning ultimate appearance.

Regular traffic over a polished engineered stone will gradually fade the surface, so regular stone cleaning is essential. Contaminants such as bleach, acids, juices, liquor, etc. can dull the gloss and luster of your stone.

One of the benefits of these engineered stones over many other surfaces is that they can be revived through resurfacing the stones.


Cleaning Devices

Never make use of vacuum cleaners that are shabby and old, as the metal or plastic fittings or the wheels may lead to scratching the surfaces.

So, for cleaning these engineered stone surfaces, use a few drops of neutral stone cleaner and warm water frequently as needed. Also, use a clean mop on the floors and a soft cloth for other floors and surfaces. For ultimate results, use microfibre mops and cloths.

Even take care that you don’t use too much cleaner or soap to leave a film or cause streaks.

Are you still confused about what to use?

Suppose you aren’t sure how to clean a mark thoroughly from your engineered stone and are confused. For that, if you need to engage a stone cleaner/sealer, seek established companies who have been working with engineered marbles or stone for many years!

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