Bharat Stories
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Utkal Divas or Odhisha Day – 1 April

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About Utkal Divas

Odisha day is also known as Odisha divas, or Utkal divas is celebrated each year on April 1st in Odisha. The primary purpose behind celebrating this day is to recounter the memories of the state formation as an independent state.

It was the day when the country got its identity and got separated from Bihar on April 1st, 1936. It was right after the political identity was entirely lost in the year 1568, where the last king Mukunda Dev had died.

There were significant efforts to form an independent state under the rule of the British based on linguistic in 1936.


The Utkal Diwas is one of the main festivals celebrated in Odisha. The entire state is b up with lights and pretty decorations. Several shops and the Jhankis help in making this festival even more beautiful.

On this day several events take place. The organizing committee consists of the local politicians who organize the entire day. They start the preparations of this day a few weeks or months to make this day the most memorable day of Odisha.

The planning committee plans out several competitions such as Fireworks, poetry, dance, music, etc. for the citizens. The highlight of the event is the fireworks competition. There Is a whole bunch of people who came to enjoy these fireworks and to see the sky looking gorgeous.

On this very day, all the families in the state do make it a point to meet each other. The citizens have seen wearing new clothes and preparing delicious food for their guests.

They even make sure to arrange various cultural programs such as singing programs, bands, dance events, etc.

Utkal Diwas – History:

The state Orissa was the place where tribes used to stay in the hills. It was later that this area becomes a part of Kalinga, which was the kingdom of King Ashoka. There was a known ‘Great Kalinga War,’ which was known for ‘Bloodbath’ which was won by the king Ashok.

The last kind of Hindu of Odisha was Gajapati Mukunda Deva, who had been defeated by the Mughals. The Oriya leaders had put in a lot of effort to unite the Oriya speaking people.

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