Bharat Stories
Light of Knowledge

World Vegan Day (1st of November)

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About World Vegan Day

On the 1st of November every year, the vegans across the world observe World Vegan Day.  The prime purpose of this day is to spread awareness across the globe about the benefits of veganism for not just human beings but also animals as well as the environment we live in.

This is done through a plethora of activities, some of which include planting memorial trees, setting up stalls, and hosting a variety of potlucks.

World Vegan Day was introduced in the year 1994 by the then chairman of The Vegan Society: Louise Wallis in the United Kingdom.

It was initiated to commemorate the 50th anniversary since the foundation of The Vegan Society, and thus the terms ‘’Vegan’’ and ‘’Veganism’’ were finally coined.

It was in the year 2011 that Louise had revealed that though they were all certain of the fact that The Vegan Society was formed in the year 1944, they weren’t aware of the exact date that it was formed, and hence, he decided to go ahead with the date of 1st of November, primarily for the fact that it was around the corner of the celebration of Halloween, which is a quite a cultural and traditional time of celebrations and feasting among masses.

The best way to observe World Vegan Day would be to have a meat-free and dairy-free diet on this day and make it a point to adapt to a vegan lifestyle because it has been proven to be beneficial to one’s health in more than just one way.

It is also very beneficial for the environment, as no animals are harmed and neither are cattle used for rearing or dairy or poultry, which means a healthy ambiance blankets us, which is way better than the otherwise convoluted environment we get to stay in, courtesy: factors like global warming, climate change, and many more.

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