Bharat Stories
Light of Knowledge

World Wildlife Day – March 03

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About World Wildlife Day

The World Wildlife Day since 2013, at the 68ththe session was declared officially by the UNGA (United Nations General Assembly).

This was the day of the signature of the various conventions which took place in Endangered Species of Wild Flora & Fauna on the International Trade in the year 1971. It was decided that on this day, as the World Wildlife

Day, a wave of awareness about the plants and animals should be spread.

In the year 2020, World Wildlife Day’s theme will be ‘Sustaining All Life on Earth’. This means to categorize all the animals and plants as essential components. As both of them constituent heavily to the diversity of the world.


On this day, individuals across the globe celebrate the importance of the animals and plants in their various beautiful forms. The purpose of the ceremony is to make the individuals aware of the advantages one gets from wildlife. They are especially beneficial to the communities which stay nearest to them.


It was the General Assembly in the resolution, did reaffirm about the importance of the wildlife and the various ways in which it contributes to the society such as:

  1. Ecology
  2. Social
  3. Genetics
  4. Economical
  5. Well-Being of humans
  6. Aesthetics
  7. Educational
  8. Recreational
  9. Sustainable Development
  10. Cultural

As always, the General Assembly did take proper note of all the outcomes of the 16th meeting, held at Bangkok in the year 2013. It was then that3rd March 2013 was declared as the World Wildlife Day to spread a word and awareness about the need to protect our wildlife at any cost.

The General Assembly also tried to ensure that at any cost, the international trade does not threaten the life of the species.


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