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Educate Your Teenager About Teenage Sex Today: Here’s How

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It is a known fact that the words teenager and rebellion often go hand in hand, and in most of the cases, teenagers don’t really agree to agree with their parents. While that is there, it is also important for you to know that talking about teenage sex with your teenage daughter can actually help her stay healthy and save her young life in numerous ways.

There’s a lot that depends upon how you talk about it with your teenager, because as per a poll held in 2006 in U.S. by ABC, around 90% of the parents do talk to their teenagers about sex but the problem is, only half of those teenagers comply with what their parents have to say about it.

Read on to know what all facts about sex your teenager must know and how you as a parent can help bring those points across:

Teenage Sex Guide

  1. Condoms

It is essential for your teenager to know the need for condoms during sex and also understand that though it is a good protected sex measure, it isn’t really effective all the time and not that easy to use either.

Yes, it significantly reduces the chance of one getting pregnant after sex, but its effectiveness is quite similar to that of a pill, where there’s no 100% guarantee that one wouldn’t get pregnant or won’t catch a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Your teenager also needs to understand that one can never conclude if the other person is suffering from any kind of STD just by looking at him or her.

On the other hand, it often happens that a couple while having sex, don’t use the condom until the very last minute, but the teenager must know that a girl can get pregnant even before the male ejaculates because the pre-ejaculation emission also comes loaded with sperm. Hence, it won’t be wrong to say that condoms are not full-proof.

Your teenager must also know that in case a condom breaks during intercourse, the next thing that comes in handy is an emergency contraceptive pill.

  1. Birth control pills

You must discuss with your teenager about the requirement for birth control pills, in many cases emergency contraceptive pills, which can be taken within 72 hours from intercourse. Doctors, however, suggest it is best to take the pill soon after intercourse if you had unprotected sex.

  1. Sexually transmitted diseases

Your teenager must be aware of the fact that it is young adults like them who have the maximum chances of ending up with a sexually transmitted disease. In fact, according to statistics, around 25% of the people in the age group of 15 to 24 are sexually active, and that contributes further to around 50% new cases of STDs, as reported in 2006.

It is also essential for teenagers to go for testing once in a while, depending on their sexual lifestyle. It can be once in two months, or in some cases, twice in one year.

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