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Top 10 Best Rum Brands in India

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When you come home from work from a long, tiring, and tough day at the office, all you want to do is relax with your favorite alcoholic drink.

You may think to yourself, “There’s nothing like relaxing in front of the T.V. with a nice glass of booze.  It’s really relaxing.  But booze is not nearly as satisfying and relaxing as rum is.

And since rum something to be savored, this article will discuss the 10 best rum brands in India.

What you should know about rum

Before discussing the major Indian brands, it’s time to tell you some interesting information about this relaxing elixir.  There are three main types of rum that you can choose from:

  • White rum
  • Dark rum
  • Spiced rum

Also, Indians love to taste and savor their alcohol.  They find that doing so really relaxes them.  That’s why they prefer traditional brands over the newer and more sophisticated brands that are also much more expensive.

Drinking a glass of rum a day may keep the doctor away!

Like its weaker but equally pleasing counterpart of wine, a glass of rum a day may keep the doctor away.  This is because it has many good health benefits.

One is that it is a natural blood thinner.  This helps with improved overall circulation and blood flow to the heart.

It also substantially reduces your risk of deadly deep vein thrombosis.  It also sends endorphins and other ‘feel-good chemicals’ to the brain.  This relaxes it.

Best Rum Brands in India

Jolly Roger

Jolly Roger
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you know it by its dark color and spicy yet sweet taste.  Indeed, this brand does not burn as it goes down your throat.

You make it by fermenting molasses in a Jamaican pot.  That’s what gives it that distinct mature, smooth, and spicy flavor.

The fermentation process also introduces natural spices to it.  One thing you’ll love about it is its pleasant and rich smell and well-balanced flavor.

Old Port

Old Port
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This started out as an ‘army drink’ in 1948.  This rum is filtered through charcoal and that’s what gives it that distinctive rich and buttery taste.

If you drink this brand, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by its slight woody and citrusy flavor.  This is one of India’s oldest hard liquors.  You can buy four different brands of this rum:

  • Old Port Matured Rum
  • Old Port Deluxe Rum XXX
  • Amrut Classic Rum
  • Old Port XXX

McDowell’s NO. 1

McDowell’s NO. 1
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United Breweries Limited started making this in 1990-1991.  This is the most popular rum brand in India.  This dark rum has pleasantly sweet notes of vanilla and caramel.


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Radico Khaitan makes it.  It started out in the military.  Army brats still love to drink it.  Since it’s made from sugarcane juice, it has a distinct taste and flavor that is influenced by strong notes of cocoa, dry fruits, and vanilla.

The fact that it ages for 12 years before being bottled gives it a smooth, rich, and quality taste.  It warms the body and soul.  Contessa has won numerous awards, including the Silver Medal in 2008.


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Army people love it because they can get drunk with it without experiencing any nasty hangovers the next day.  It’s strong liquor.

It’s XXX brand is the most powerful. It is also marketed as the White Rum Hercules and Deluxe Rum (Dark.)

Havana Club

Havana Club
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This Cuban rum made its debut in 1934.  You’ll love it for its flavors which include Caribbean chocolate and vanilla.

You’ll be drinking a smooth and strong product with bold flavors because it ages for 7 years before being sold.  If you love to party, this is the perfect mixer drink.

Captain Morgan

Captain Morgan
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You know this centuries-old rum that was named after Sir Henry Morgan who governed Jamaica in the 1600s.

This brand sells with a picture of a traditional 17th-century pirate captain and the slogan, “to life, love, and loot!”  It’s essentially sugarcane juice that has fermented for at least a year.  That’s what gives it that slight, spicy taste.


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Rum connoisseurs know it for its slight yet pleasing coconut notes.  It’s marketed by the French company Pernod Ricard as ‘a flavored rum.’  people love it for its rich and smooth taste that always satisfies.  You can buy brands with banana, pineapple, mango, passion fruit, and melon notes.


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This is one of the creme de la cremes of rum.  You can enjoy many different variants of it including rums with lemon, orange, green, apple, raspberry, and dragon berry flavors.  The first version to hit the market had vanilla notes.  That made it the ideal mixer drink.

Old Monk

Old Monk
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This is the symbol of rum in India.  It is one of the cheapest brands on the Indian market, and this is part of what makes it so popular.

You’ll love it for its rich woody taste which is complemented by a vanilla note that is sugary.  You can buy four different types of it and it’s an excellent accompaniment to sodas:

  • Supreme XXX
  • Deluxe XXX
  • Gold Reserve
  • White Rum

India has many rum choices

If you love rum, you’ll be more than satisfied with the top 10 rum brands in India!

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