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Yoga Exercise
Here we give you some reasons why yoga is most beneficial to improve your overall health and one must include it in their daily schedule
Padahastasana Steps and Benefits
Padahastasana or the Hand Under Foot posture is a 'forward curve asana'.
Akarna Dhanurasana Steps and Benefits
Akarna Dhanurasana actually implies ear bow posture, since Karna implies ear in Sanskrit, while the prefix "A" methods close and Dhanur implies bow.
Janusirsasana Steps and Benefits
Janusirsasana is a piece of the essential arrangement of Ashtanga Yoga. Janusirsasana is a spinal turn and in addition a forward overlap.
Adho Mukha Svanasana Steps and Benefits
Adho Mukha Svanasana seems to be like how a pooch looks when it twists forward. This asana has various stunning advantages
Mandukasana Steps and Benefits
In Sanskrit "Manduk" implies frog. In this represent your body pose is takes after to a Frog, so's the reason this Asana is called Mandukasana
Kukkutasana Steps and Benefits
About Kukkutasana
Kukkutasana or chicken Pose is named so since it would seem that a rooster.
Cockerel or chicken yoga posture has been said in obsolete holy yoga writings like the…
Virabhadrasana Steps and Benefits
Virabhadra's Pose is otherwise called the Warrior Pose (there are three variants of Warrior, of which this is usually numbered I
Utthita Trikonasana Steps and Benefits
The triangle posture is comprised of two Sanskrit words Trikon and Asana. The significance of trikon is triangle while the importance of asana is posture.
Ushtrasana Steps and Benefits
Ushtrasana act known like camel posture. In Sanskrit "ushtra" signifies 'Camel'. The body resembles the state of camel so it is called as Ushtrasana.