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daily health tips
Mayurasana - the Peacock Pose has a mess of advantages, and despite the fact that it looks muddled, with a little practice, it is very simple to do
7 steps to keep yourself healthy in summers
Summer is back, and the temperature is rising rapidly daily. You are at the end of April, and about to face the scorching heat.
Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Watermelon
Watermelon is said to belong to the cucurbitaceous family. Some other fruits which to this family are: pumpkin, cucumber, squash, etc
Trikonasana also know as Triangle Pose
Trikonasana is also known as the Triangle Pose. This is an asana that comes with a large number of variations.
Chakrasana: Urdva Dhanurasana
Chakrasana is an extremely back bending asana that when in the final stage looks like a wheel. This asana gives your spine the utmost flexibility.
Bhujangasana: The Cobra pose
The literary meaning of the word ‘Bhujang’ is Cobra. Bhujangasana is immensely beneficial to those who face back problems.
Is Microwave Cooking Really Bad? Here Are Some Facts!
Microwave is one of the most common kitchen appliances that has found a place in the majority of the places, be it households, or bars or restaurants.
Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana or the Mountain Pose on the Wall
Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana is also called the mountain pose on the wall with your arms above the head. You should make sure that you are following the required steps
Yastikasana: Steps to good health
This very word ‘Yastikasana’ is consisted of two Sanskrit words, Yastik and Asana. Step by step ways to perform this asana
Challenges faced while counter striking diarrhea
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), any diarheal disease kills more than 1.7 billion children under the age of 5 every year globally.