Strengthening for providing quality education in Madrasas (SPQEM)
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Strengthening for providing quality education in Madrasas is a scheme launched by the Department of School Education and Literacy, under the umbrella of Scheme for Providing Quality Education to Madrasas/Minorities. SPEMM consists of two schemes, namely-
- Strengthening for providing quality education in Madrassas
- Infrastructure Development Minority Institutes.
Both the schemes are implemented at the National level, and both are voluntary by nature.
Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madrasas:
The main target of the National Policy on Education is to provide all the facilities for the upliftment of the educationally backward minorities.
The children belonging to the backward classes or backward Muslim minorities attend Maktabs/Madrasas, contributing very less participation in the mainstream National Education System. The children here are taught more about religious teachings.
To give children access to modern subjects, the government is implementing the Area Intensive and Madrasa.
Modernization Scheme. The scheme attempts to bring qualitative improvement in Madrasas so that the Muslim children in the formal education subjects could achieve the standards of the National education system.
Salient Features of the Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madrasas
The scheme launched by the government comprises of the following salient features-
- It aims to provide traditional educational institutions with financial assistance, like Madrasas and Maktabs. They can be encouraged to introduce subjects like Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Hindi, and English. This aims at helping the children studying in institutions to attain proficiency in academics.
- This scheme also helps the children studying at secondary and senior secondary levels to acquire an education equal to that of the National Education System.
- It aims to strengthen State Madrasa Boards to monitor the modernization of the Madras modernization program and increase awareness about education in the Muslim Community.
- To add the quality factors in Madrasas, including remedial teaching, assessment, RashtriyaAvishkar Abhiyan, and many more.
- To train the teachers appointed under the scheme to teach modern subjects like Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Hindi, and English. This will help in improving the quality of education and pedagogical skills.
Eligibility for the institutions
Those institutions that wish to take the benefit of the scheme should fulfill the following conditions.
- The Madrasas must have been in existence for at least three years.
- They should also be registered under
Central or State Government Acts or Madrasas Board.
Funding Process
- The government provides 100% funding to these institutions.
- Under this scheme, financial assistance will be given yearly.
- Funds are provided to the institutions according to the norms of the schemes.
The Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madrasas is a demand ridden scheme. The Scheme will cover a total of 4,500-6,000 Madrasas. The teachers in Madrasas all over the country are provided with an honorarium of about 13,500-18,000.