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Shalabhasana: The locust pose

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About Shalabhasana

The Sanskrit word ‘Shalabh’ stands for grasshopper or locust, which is a kind of green insect, generally found in the grass.

The final pose of the asana shalabhasana looks alike a grasshopper or locust, and that is the reason this asana is named after the Sanskrit name of that insect.

Shalabhasana is effective in reducing back aches and issues related to the spine.

This asana is nothing complex but so simple that beginners can easily take an attempt. There are three methods of performing this asana.

Out of the three methods, two is described below.

Step to perform the Locust pose: Method 1

  • Lie down straight on your stomach placing your hands underneath your thighs.
  • Inhale and raise your right leg without bending the knee.
  • Keep your chin to rest on the floor.
  • Keep this position for few seconds.
  • Now exhale and get back to your previous position.
  • Now do the same with your left leg.
  • Now repeat the whole procedure for 5 to 7 times.
  • Do it with both of your legs and continue this procedure for 4 to 5 times.

Locust pose: Method 2

  • After lying on your stomach straighten your arms in such a way that they touch your ear and head. Keep your right hand in the resting position on the floor.
  • Next keep your other hand (left) on your back.
  • Now lift your right hand and head along with lifting your left leg off the floor, keep inhaling.
  • Try to keep this yoga posture for some moment.
  • Now come back slowly to your previous position exhaling.
  • Now do the same with your alternate legs and hands.

Let’s highlight the benefits of this yoga asana:

  • Shalabhasana is beneficial to all the health issues rooted at the lower end of the spine.
  • This important yoga pose cure backaches and sciatica pain.
  • This asana reduces unwanted extra fats around the waist, hips, abdomen, and thighs.
  • If you put this asana to your daily schedule you would get rid of cervical spondylitis and spinal cord ailments.
  • This asana gives your thighs, legs, hips, buttocks, lower abdomen and wrists an extreme stretch.
  • Shalabhasana tightens back muscles.


You must avoid this asana if you have gone through any kind of surgeries before.

To perform Shalabhasana you should practice Ardha Shalabhasana first and then you can proceed to the entire Shalabhasana asana. Try to control your breathing while performing this pose.

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