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Prithviraj Chauhan – King of Ajmer

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Prithviraj Chauhan who ruled the kingdoms of Ajmer and Delhi in northern India during the latter half of the 12th century.

Prithviraj Chauhan is popularly known as Prithviraj III or Rai Pithora. He belonged to the Chahmana dynasty. He ruled the traditional family known as Sapadalaksha; presently, it forms the part of northern India.

He controlled many parts of India in the present day. They are addressed as Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, and some portions of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

His capital was located at Ajayameru, which is addressed as Ajmer currently. Many modern folk legends describe him as the king of India’s political centre Delhi as they portray him as a representative of the pre-Islamic Indian power.

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About Prithviraj Chauhan

Ideally, Prithviraj Chauhan is the last ruler of the Chauhan dynasty to take -over the throne in Delhi. The king was born in 1168 as the son of Someshwar Chauhan, who was then the king of Ajmer.

Prithviraj Chauhan was an intelligent child and, at the same time, smart and curious to learn the military techniques. He mastered the skills of hitting the target based on the sound.

In 1179 at the age of thirteen, he was succeeded to the throne of Ajmer when his father passed away in a battle. His grandfather Angam had also declared him the king of Delhi after knowing his skills and bravery.

Once  Prithviraj Chauhan had killed a lion without any weapon.  When he was succeeded in the throne of Delhi he had built Qila Rai Pithora there; his whole life was a chain of bravery, brave deeds, courage, and glorious exploits.

At the mere age of thirteen, he defeated the mighty Bheemdev, the ruler of Gujarat. His love story is quite famous as he fell in love with his enemy Jaichand’s daughter Samyukta. It is said that he rode off with her on the Swaymawara day.

When Mahmud Gori attacked India in 1191, it is said that Prithviraj Chauhan had expanded his empire, and for the first time, he defeated Mahmud Gori at the battle of Tarain.

Post defeating the army Mahmud Gori, Prithviraj Chauhan was asked to attack the retreating army, but being a true Rajput, he refused to do so as it doesn’t meet the war rules.

Due to which Mahmud Ghori attacked India again, and in the second battle, he defeated Prithviraj Chauhan. After being captured, Prithviraj Chauhan was mistreated as he wasn’t burnt with a hot iron, and he was made blind, but above all, he didn’t lose courage.

He was provided help by his poet friend Chand Bardai as Prithviraj Chauhan believed to kill Mahmud Ghori with shabdabhedibaan.

Prithviraj Chauhan’s skill to kill someone based on sound came in handy now, and he displayed his power during the archery competition organized by Mahumad Ghori.

When Mahmud praised him, it is believed he heard his voice and killed him. Thus, to escape death Prithviraj Chauhan and his friend stabbed each other. Prithviraj Chauhan died in 1192.


Prithviraj Chauhan was known as one of the most influential rulers in Rajasthan as he established his kingdom. One of the most famous battles that marked a watershed in the medieval history of India is Prithviraj Chauhan’s defeat in the second battle of Tarori at the hands of Muslim leader Muʿizz al-DīnMuḥammad ibn Sām.

Before succeeding to the throne of 1177, the younger Prithviraj Chauhan inherited a kingdom that stretched from Sthanvishvara in the north to Mewar in the south. Within some years, Prithviraj Chauhan had assumed control of the administration personally.

Soon after that, he was faced with a rebellion from his cousin Nagarjuna who asserted to claim the throne. The revolt was crushed brutally as Prithviraj Chauhan turned his attention towards the nearby kingdom of the Bhadanakas.

The Bhadanakas were a constant threat to the Chauhan held dynasty and the region held by them around Delhi. Still, the Bhadanakas were destroyed entirely before 1182, as they ceased to be mentioned in any other historical records.

Furthermore, in 1182, Prithviraj also defeated Parmardin Deva Chandela, who was also the king of Jejabhukti.

Though the campaign against the Chandelas improved Prithviraj Chauhan’s reputation, it also enhanced his enemies.

It united both Chandelas and Gahadavalas and forced Prithviraj Chauhan to strengthen his military expenditure and even vigilance on his southern frontier.

He had also turned his sword against the mighty kingdom of Gujarat, though there is little is known about the action. Prithviraj Chauhan’s succession wasn’t secure till the death of Vigaraha Raja in 1165.

Prithviraj Chauhan reconsolidated control over the Chauhan kingdom as he conquered many neighbouring countries making the Chauhan dynasty dominant in the northern part of India.

He campaigned against the Chandela Rajputs of Bundelkhand. His empire also included present-day northwest India, including Rajasthan, Haryana parts of Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab.

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1 Comment
  1. […] history, fought between the Ghurid army led by Muhammad of Ghor and the Rajput Confederacy led by Prithviraj Chauhan in 1191. The battle took place near Tarain, which is now known as Taraori in Haryana, India. It is […]

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