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Hydrodynamics of MP Transport


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Madhya Pradesh MP Transport Department is responsible for the registration of vehicles in MP, which includes issuing driving licenses and permits, car insurance policies and collecting motor vehicle taxes. Furthermore, they administer a scheme of fancy registration numbers.

Madhya Pradesh boasts 94 state highways, the longest being National Highway 135, which begins from Porbandar in Gujarat and finishes near Gwalior.


Hydrodynamics of MP transport should be an essential consideration when designing stormwater management systems, as the hydrodynamics may contribute to the transport of toxic chemicals and pathogens into marine waters via advection-dispersion processes. A hydrodynamic model is an invaluable asset when predicting MP fate and transport in river systems; it can predict processes like advection-dispersion as well as particle settling dynamics for accurate understanding of MP’s impact on water quality and habitats.

This model was created to simulate the fate and transport of traffic-related MP released with stormwater into a Swedish river. It includes Gothenburg, with approximately 550,000 residents and its large port. Furthermore, arterial highways with up to 100,000 AADT traffic volumes could serve as major sources of MP in stormwater runoff from this highly urbanized city.

Traffic-related MP is a major source of road run-off pollution and its concentration can reach high levels in urbanized areas. An inventory of sources in Gothenburg’s City Hall lists tire wear as one of its main contributors of MP (Goteborgs Stad 2019), with concentrations as high as 1050 MP/L being found in stormwater from heavily travelled routes.

MP can have several adverse physical impacts on biota, such as reduced feeding or false satiation and exposure to potentially hazardous chemical additives found in plastic polymers. Furthermore, these particles absorb and concentrate hydrophobic persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – as well as metals and pathogens – potentially harming organisms that consume them.

River confluence flows can have profound effects on momentum flux and sediment concentrations due to shear-driven Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at the mixing interface and are difficult to fully predict due to uncertainties in flow geometry and predictability issues. Furthermore, mismatches between depth-averaged velocity and sediment concentration at confluences suggest there may be multiple transport mechanisms operating.

Hydraulic biotopes

The hydraulic environment of a stream is composed of many complex interactions among its water surface slope, depth, bottom roughness, kinematic viscosity, flow velocity and other key parameters. It varies spatially within each stream reach, correlating with lotic macroinvertebrates’ distribution patterns; although substrate characteristics may seem to play an essential role here, mean velocity and complex hydraulic key characteristics provide more insights into modeling specific relationships between organism distributions and physical habitat characteristics.

Ecohydraulic processes can be modelled and applied to restoration projects with non-numerical hydrological models like River2D. Furthermore, field survey data collected per PAED mesohabitat unit will further provide more objective applications of process-based hydraulic design criteria that can be tied back to species functional traits.

Allochthonous factors

MPs (microparticulates) are an array of organic and inorganic particles deposited, transported, and distributed into river systems by physical forces. Their concentration varies significantly, reflecting different sources of input from terrestrial environments (Koutnik et al. 2021). MPs may also concentrate at certain stretches of river reach depending on flow characteristics or morphological units such as hydraulic biotopes – however the extent to which they influence MP distribution remains unknown.

Numerous factors can have an effect on the hydrodynamics of microplastics (MPs), including their size and surface properties, interaction with sediments and microorganisms, aggregation/decomposition patterns and patterns of lateral movement. These variables have been identified as key influences on their transport/dispersal in rivers as well as responsible for different patterns of lateral movement and patterns of dispersion/transport.

Another crucial aspect affecting MP distribution and transport is exceeding shear stress thresholds within terminal sublayers to remobilise settled MPs back into circulation by surpassing terminal sublayer shear stress thresholds in order to remobilise settled MPs/return them back into overlying waters; shear stress thresholds must be exceeded within terminal sublayer terminal sub-layers in order to remobilise settled MPs back into circulation remobilise settled MPs back into overlying waters affecting distribution/transport factors as well.

MP concentrations in rivers are determined by various allochthonous factors, including proximity to emission sources (point and nonpoint) as well as land use/habitat characteristics in their area (Koutnik et al., 2021). Furthermore, MPs’ levels in rivers can also be affected by local activities, including those conducted anthropogenically within rivers’ vicinity, as well as weather events like rainfall or strong windstorms (Koutnik et al. 2021).

Concentrations of MPs in any given river stretch largely depend on their emission sources, usually situated near riverbanks, as well as on their morphological features that shape their flow characteristics over space and time. These characteristics are determined by underlying geomorphological processes and riverbed morphology, which can be divided into various flow environments known as hydraulic biotopes. Hydraulic biotopes can be broken down into two categories, those with low friction ratio (Re*) and those with high friction ratio (Re>1). A river’s flow characteristics are determined by comparing its flow velocity to the slope of the bed; when the roughness of the bed increases with the slope increase (Re1) resistance also tends to rise accordingly and resistance declines with an increase of bed slope (Re1).


MPs are present throughout surface water bodies and sediments alike, and their distribution depends on several factors including flow rates and substrate type. Areas with decreased flow velocity tend to experience accumulation and deposition while higher flow rates allow more transport and resuspension of settled particles. River systems serve as key transport routes for MPs that reach marine ecosystems due to their large capacity for transport and concentration which can be affected by various hydrodynamic and hydraulic variables.

Riverine MPs come from multiple point and non-point sources, including municipal sewerage systems, industrial/construction waste, runoff from different land-use types and runoff from municipal wastewater treatment plants (Kataoka et al. 2019b).

Secondary MPs may also be generated from the physical or chemical degradation of larger plastic products that already exist in the environment, including synthetic fibres, beverage bottles and cigarette butts (Kataoka et al. 2019a). Although most MPs in rivers come from terrestrial origins they are transported downstream by turbidity currents from their primary terrestrial origin and may deposit or be deposited back onto river beds after reaching riverbanks (Kataoka et al. 2019b).

Hydraulic patterns in rivers are determined by various factors, including flow, substrate and channel morphology. These elements can have an impactful impact on MPs transported at fine spatial scale and result in different biotopes like pools and runs forming within their banks; their interaction determines MP transport dynamics such as concentration and distribution dynamics.

Stream power affects MPs by altering frictional resistance between fluid and substrate, thus altering shear stress on the bed. Frictional resistance depends on factors like channel slope to discharge ratio and riverbed roughness, so as flow depth and slope decrease, so too does frictional resistance increase; conversely, it decreases with greater discharge and rougher riverbed conditions. Generally speaking, though, frictional resistance rises with increasing flow depth or decreasing slope while it decreases with increasing discharge or rougher riverbed surfaces.

Size also plays a key role in MPs aggregation and deposition processes: smaller ones tend to disperse rapidly downstream while larger ones become attached to substrates or bed sediments over time. Furthermore, the organic material may further affect aggregate size by increasing density and remobilization rate.

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