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A List of Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Your Body

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How many of the people actually incorporate the essential nutrients especially vitamins and minerals into their food and consumption? It is crucial to realize the effect of minerals and vitamins, as said by Dr. Parveen Verma, Physician and Nutritionist at Kailash Hospitals, who advise on the effective usage of the proper minerals.

Here is a list of the 15 essential nutrients and minerals that a human body needs:

15 essential nutrients and minerals

  1. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is responsible for building RNA and DNA and the development of strong teeth and bones. Green peas are a great source of this nutrient.

  1. Magnesium

This is crucial for regulating the blood pressure and keeping heart conditions in check. Pumpkin seeds and spinach should be consumed for magnesium.

  1. Calcium

Necessary for stronger bones, secretion of hormones and enzymes, calcium could be found in dairy products, green vegetables, and fish.

  1. Potassium

It is responsible for regulating blood pressure and conducting nerve impulses. Whole grains, beans, and nuts are rich in potassium.

  1. Iron

Responsible for carrying oxygen in the haemoglobin of RBC, iron-rich foods like nuts, spinach, and dried beans should be consumed amply.

  1. Chloride

Chloride looks after the proper functioning of body fluids and digestion. Tomatoes, lettuce, and rice are excellent sources of chloride.

  1. Choline

This underrated nutrient is important for brain development, liver function, and metabolism. The richest sources of choline are egg yolk, liver, and salmon.

  1. Copper

Copper helps in the formation of RBC and also helps absorb iron. Best copper sources include potatoes, shellfish, and organ meat.

  1. Vitamin A

This vitamin is extremely important to keep the eyes and skin in good condition. Vitamin A could be found in mangoes and sweet potatoes.

  1. Vitamin B

This is important for producing cellular energy from the food consumed. Foods like pork and lentils are the best sources.

  1. Vitamin C

Crucial for the prevention of heart diseases and regeneration of tissues, Vitamin C is present in peppers, cauliflower, and citrus fruits.

  1. Vitamin D

It nourishes bones and teeth and also helps absorb calcium in the body. Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D.

  1. Vitamin E

It plays the role of an antioxidant, functioning neurological processes and others. Sunflower seeds, almonds and broccoli are the richest sources.

  1. Vitamin F

Its prime function is to create and repair tissues in the body. Nuts and fish are the ideal sources.

  1. Vitamin K

It helps the blood clot and prevents fractures too. Meat and eggs are the primary sources of vitamin k.

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